6 tips for effective content writing

Effective content is important to generate leads and improve your search engine rankings. However, the days of cheap SEO are long gone – with its successive updates Google has been successful in ensuring that really deserving content finds place in its ranking index.  So how do you create effective content? Ocean Blue Communications, a copywriting services provider in Delhi, India, recommends the following tips to create effective content.

1. Use keywords only when needed


Keywords are great but don’t overuse them because they will make your content read like spam.  Too many keywords will make the search engine spiders suspicious and as a result your ranking may fall and in the worst case scenario, your content may be removed from the rankings altogether. Add keywords only when there is a relevant context. Don’t worry about optimizing your copy – focus on delivering value instead.

2. Create sharable content

Create content in such a manner that it gains popularity on the social media websites. This way you won’t have to depend on Google for driving traffic to your website or blog. Create compelling headlines and provide content that is bang on target. Develop your own style and focus on delivering quality than quantity.

3. Add value to the reader’s experience


You can use the internet to communicate directly with your prospects. Whether you share information or gather from the internet, ensure that the content you create addresses the readers’ interest. Informative, engaging content will add value to their experience. Besides, it will also attract the search engines, bloggers and social media users.

4. Write for other blogs


Create articles and posts that can be published on websites and blogs other than your own. This will expose you and your products to a wider audience and also help you earn quality back links. This being said, make sure that you publish your content on trusted and reputable content publishing websites. You can also prepare content for online forums and blog comments sections in blog communities.

5. Publish newsletters


Newsletters are the best way to keep in touch with your customers, readers and subscribers. Once you have built a mailing list of a few thousand subscribers, you can instantly broadcast your ideas and showcase your new products or services to them without having to rely upon search engine traffic.

6. Maximize the conversion rate


Revisit your existing content and see how well it is engaging your prospects and converting them into customers. A higher conversion rate can compensate for low traffic. Look for ways to measure, monitor and improve your website content where ever necessary to make sure that those who find you on the internet get what they want from the experience.

Finally, be consistent with your content marketing efforts. In case you do not have an inhouse content writer, you can hire professional copywriting services companies to create effective content that generates leads and drives traffic.

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